A present wife of mr.RB and a present mother of our Bonnie-Blue
"Which Barbie Are You?"

Hollywood Barbie
People are so mean when they call you vain and shallow. It's your agent who is pressuring you to get a second nose job! You can't help it the Malibu surgeon got the shape wrong (the lawsuit is still pending). It's not your fault the only 3 motion pictures you've ever done were box office bombs. They were bad sсriрts and your roles weren't big enough to save the film. Things will surely be lookig up for you soon, barbie. Atleast your live in boyfriend is a great masseur.

Hollywood Barbie
People are so mean when they call you vain and shallow. It's your agent who is pressuring you to get a second nose job! You can't help it the Malibu surgeon got the shape wrong (the lawsuit is still pending). It's not your fault the only 3 motion pictures you've ever done were box office bombs. They were bad sсriрts and your roles weren't big enough to save the film. Things will surely be lookig up for you soon, barbie. Atleast your live in boyfriend is a great masseur.