A present wife of mr.RB and a present mother of our Bonnie-Blue
Забавно. Джош о своей сцене с Мишель - "I was saying forever, 'When is Sawyer gonna get some action?' I was shocked when I got the sсript- I was like, 'Oh my God! With Ana Lucia? Interseting.' " After the two scuffle for a gun, they tussel for some fun. "I was so post to stand there and let her hit me to get the gun," Holloway says. "But when we shot it, I changed it! I wacked her on her ass first. That gave her a reason to hit me. It worked out perfectly."

Мишель о своей героине - 'I said from the beginning, 'They're gonna hate me.'" Although flashbacks showed the softer side of Ana-Lucia, who lost a baby, Rodriguez wasn't exactly comfortable with the crying sceenes either "I suck at those'
Интересно наверн играть кого то, кого заранее знаешь, что не полюбят. А ведь права была! Многие Ану не любят.

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