A present wife of mr.RB and a present mother of our Bonnie-Blue
You are most like: PHOEBE
How sure are we? BARELY
Like Phoebe, you're quirky and off-the-wall. Your friends enjoy being around you because you always remain upbeat, despite the difficulties you have endured in your life. Your accidental irony and elementary insults always provide laughs for those around you. With an abundance of sympathy and caring, you are the heart and soul of your social circle. (You'd have to be--you're definitely not the brains of the group.)

How sure are we? BARELY
Like Phoebe, you're quirky and off-the-wall. Your friends enjoy being around you because you always remain upbeat, despite the difficulties you have endured in your life. Your accidental irony and elementary insults always provide laughs for those around you. With an abundance of sympathy and caring, you are the heart and soul of your social circle. (You'd have to be--you're definitely not the brains of the group.)

You are most like: CHANDLER
How sure are we? BARELY
Like Chandler, you consider yourself the only "normal" member of your social group. And considering how strange your parents were, that's quite an achievement. Always keeping a sense of humor, your intelligence shows in your quick retorts and use of sarcasm. Despite your hard shell, however, you have surprising depths of emotion and sympathy, proving to be an excellent friend.
You are most like: RACHEL
As Rachel, you are sometimes seen as shallow and ditzy. And it's true that you have been known as somewhat of a dreamer. But that will change. Now that you are in the real world, and can't rely on daddy anymore, you're going to have to dig in and get your hands dirty for once. But you'll be okay...behind that rich kid persona is one tough cookie.
да я уж в курсе, видела в сообществе друзей))
ну значит систер?