о мама миа!! Я познакомилась с админом офф сайта Мишель, вот что она о ней пишет..
I ran michelle-rodriguez.com as a fansite for awhile, then one day found out via her publicist (whom I'd contacted looking for a corrct fanmaill address so the fans could write letter) that her manager wanted to talk to me. I spoke with him and he wanted to make the site official. That was June of 2006, and around Oct. 06 she just emailed me one day and we've communicated and become close since then via phone/net. She's a truly amazing person. Don't ever buy into the bullshit written about her in the media. No lies, she is definitely one of the most deep and awesome people I've ever encountered. I'm sure she can be a badass when provoked lol and has her bad days, but in over 6 months of knowing her I've never gotten more than positivity and love from her. She's a goof, but far more intelligent than people give her credit for. She's also completely honest and kind. So yeah, don't believe the hype. She's not a raging, mean, lesbian alcoholic. She's just a kind, free spirited, fun loving chick trying to do some good in the
Теперь я еще больше хочу познакомится с Мишей!!