странно.. я заметила, что заблокировали только клипы с ув.. причем микс один оставили, где не только ув, а все остальное- блок.

Я стала читать про правила этого авторского закона и тд, но я понять не могу- почему остальные то видео живы?? по их принципам(см ниже) все видео с фильмами надо устранить!

It doesn't matter how long or short the clip is, or exactly how it got to YouTube. If you taped it off cable, videotaped your TV screen, or downloaded it from some other website, it is still copyrighted, and requires the copyright owner's permission to distribute.

It doesn't matter whether or not you give credit to the owner/author/songwriter—it is still copyrighted.

It doesn't matter that you are not selling the video for money—it is still copyrighted.

It doesn't matter whether or not the video contains a copyright notice—it is still copyrighted.

It doesn't matter whether other similar videos appear on our site—it is still copyrighted.

It doesn't matter if you created a video made of short clips of copyrighted content—even though you edited it together, the content is still copyrighted.

И вот еще че пишут - Be sure that all components of your video are your original creation—even the audio portion. For example, if you use an audio track of a sound recording owned by a record label without that record label's permission, your video is infringing the copyrights of others, and we will take it down as soon as we become aware of it.

Подробнее тут - http://www.youtube.com/t/howto_copyright