
A present wife of mr.RB and a present mother of our Bonnie-Blue
АААА!!!!! Мамочки!!!! Блин!!!!Извините, у ми приступ!!!

Хотела написать за что люблю, но я люблю за ВСЕ!!!!!! Ну как от этого отлипнуть??? ПРОСТО ОБОЖАЮ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


A present wife of mr.RB and a present mother of our Bonnie-Blue


A present wife of mr.RB and a present mother of our Bonnie-Blue

на днюхе, я чувствую, будет также. Только вместо Одди будут гости.


A present wife of mr.RB and a present mother of our Bonnie-Blue

этот комикс вышел в тот день, когда я родилась. в 1990 году


A present wife of mr.RB and a present mother of our Bonnie-Blue


A present wife of mr.RB and a present mother of our Bonnie-Blue

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


A present wife of mr.RB and a present mother of our Bonnie-Blue


A present wife of mr.RB and a present mother of our Bonnie-Blue


A present wife of mr.RB and a present mother of our Bonnie-Blue


A present wife of mr.RB and a present mother of our Bonnie-Blue
Пришла к выводу:

Я похожа на Гарфильда. Судите сами:

1. Трепетно отношусь к еде

2. Не люблю собак

3. Не сижу на диете( и не люблю на ней сидеть)

4. Люблю портить всем .. ну не жизнь.. просто люблю пакостничать

5. Не люблю понедельников.

6. Люблю птичек. Кушать.


A present wife of mr.RB and a present mother of our Bonnie-Blue

посмотрите на физиономию птенца на втором рисунке!! Я валяюсь!!


A present wife of mr.RB and a present mother of our Bonnie-Blue


A present wife of mr.RB and a present mother of our Bonnie-Blue


A present wife of mr.RB and a present mother of our Bonnie-Blue


A present wife of mr.RB and a present mother of our Bonnie-Blue


A present wife of mr.RB and a present mother of our Bonnie-Blue

:laugh: :laugh:

ЗЫ Все, кому не нра, прошу НА ВЫХОД!!!

Буду постить столько, сколько захочу!


A present wife of mr.RB and a present mother of our Bonnie-Blue



A present wife of mr.RB and a present mother of our Bonnie-Blue


A present wife of mr.RB and a present mother of our Bonnie-Blue

я долго ржала!!


A present wife of mr.RB and a present mother of our Bonnie-Blue
Я - Настояший сочный арбуз!
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